There isn't all that much to creating objects. Each type shares a common set of attributes that apply for each object type like keywords, short and long descriptions, weight, value, etc. Each individual type of object uses seperate v0-4 values for spells, capacity, level of effects, amount, etc. I suggest experimenting with each type until you grasp the concepts of each one.
Keywords are the names used to manipulate objects. They should be logically derived from the short and long descriptions of the object. This is especially important when creating a restring for a player. Many players, espcially on PK Muds, try to weasel their way into getting a restring made where none of the keywords match are contained in the short or long descriptions to prevent other players from looting or stealing them.
Descriptions SHORT [STRING]
LONG [STRING]The SHORT description is what players will see when they use an object, pick it up, wear it or have it in their inventory. It should not be capitalized nor contain a period at the end.
The LONG description is seen when the object is on the ground. The long description's first letter should be capitalized and contain a period at the end.
Some people prefer to include permanent objects like fountains in the room description. To accomplish this, use the SCENIC flag.
Extended Descriptions
Like rooms, objects can and SHOULD have extended descriptions. This not only creates objects with more flavor, but prevents players asking why the sword in their inventory says A sword lies here stuck in the mud. when they look at it. If instead the sword had an extended keyword of sword with a description, the player would see for example: Yup, looks like your standard sword.
You can get details about EDs in the room helps.
Simply, the minimum level (+10) a player must be to use, wield or wear an object.
These flags determine how an object may be manipulated. All objects that are intended to be used by players should be flagged with Take at a minimum. Only items such as furniture and fountains either visible or hidden in the room description should lack the Take flag. Permanent items should also be flagged with No-sac flag--you don't want the players running around saccing all the fountains of the Mud. Weapons obviously need to have the Wield flag. Armor should have an appropriate flag based on where its intended to be worn. Wands and Staves require a Hold flag if you expect players to be able to use them.
take | finger | neck | body |
head | legs | feet | hands |
arms | shield | about | waist |
wrist | wield | hold | two-hands |
pride | ears | face | float |
eyes | back | tattoo | |
WEAR COND [Condition]
With this command you can assign customized conditions to an object. It will only be usable if the condition is fulfilled.
If you don't want transvestite characters, just because the sild dress is the best eq of a certain level, give it a condition:
wear cond actor sex female female
Extra Flags
The extra flags provide visual effects and other controls on how objects may be used. Be careful when assigning these flags, as having every item in your area flagged with them ruins the uniqueness of these flags.
The condition value ranges from 0 (ruined) to 100 (perfect). Normally this value wouldn't matter so much but now, especially with the shatter skill, it actually applies. So if your item is a rusty sword, it shouldn't be set at 100%.
How much the object weights. 4 weight units equal about one kg.
Value of the item measured in the local currency of its home area.
Added Affects
These flags should be used sparingly as well.
none | strength | dexterity | intelligence |
wisdom | constitution | sex | class |
level | age | height | weight |
mana | hp | move | gold |
experience | ac | hitroll | damroll |
saving-para | saving-rod | saving-petri | saving-breath |
saving-spell | sanity | immunity | resistance |
strength | dexterity | intelligence | wisdom |
constitution |
Most Affect Flags are usable for permanent obj affects.
Object Types
The object type specifies what kind of item it will be. The specific types index defines each individual object type.
light | light_refill | scroll | wand |
staff | weapon | treasure | armor |
potion | clothing | furniture | trash |
container | drink | key | food |
money | boat | npc_corpse | fountain |
pill | protect | map | pride |
component | portal | locker | locker_key |
clan_locker | keyring | book | idol |
scry | dig | forge | raw_material |
bondage_obj | tattoo | trap | voodoo_doll |
paper | explosive | ammo | slotmachine |
herb | pipe | timebomb | tree |
camera | photograph | warp_stone | room_key |
gem | jewelry | jukebox | share |
figurine | pool | grimoire | |
Each object type has up to five associated v 0 - 4 values that define it. Not all object types employ all five v values.