Cthulhumud Socials list - T
Social commands for use in the game
S | TACKLE | TACKLE <self> | TACKLE <target> |
A | Whom do you wish to tackle? | You can't tackle yourself! | You tackle Jill playfully! |
O | N/A | N/A | Jack playfully tackles Jill! |
T | Jack brings you down in a playful tackle! |
S | TAG | TAG <self> | TAG <target> |
A | You look around for someone to play a game of Tag with. | Obviously confused by the game, you simply tag yourself. | You dive from the shadows and **TAG** Jill! Jill is IT! |
O | Jack looks around for someone to play a game of Tag with. | Obviously confused by the game, Jack simply tags himself. | Jack dives from the shadows and TAGS Jill. Jill IS IT! |
T | Jack dives from the shadows and **TAGS** you! You are IT! |
S | TAP | TAP <self> | TAP <target> |
A | You tap your foot impatiently. | You tap your forehead to silence the voices in your mind. | You tap Jill on the shoulder. |
O | Jack taps his foot impatiently. | Jack taps his forehead to silence the voices in his mind. | Jack taps Jill on the shoulder. |
T | Jack taps you on the shoulder. |
S | TEASE | TEASE <self> | TEASE <target> |
A | Whom do you wish to tease? | You tease your own body with a large pink feather. | You grin wickedly and tease Jill with a large pink feather. |
O | N/A | Jack teases his own body with a large pink feather. | Jack grins wickedly and teases Jill with a large pink feather. |
T | Jack grins wickedly and teases your body with a large pink feather. |
S | THANK | THANK <self> | THANK <target> |
A | Whom do you wish to thank? | You thank yourself for being so darn talented! | You thank Jill heartily. |
O | N/A | Jack heartily thanks....himself?! | Jack thanks Jill heartily. |
T | Jack thanks you heartily. |
S | THREATEN | THREATEN <self> | THREATEN <target> |
A | You raise your fist and threaten THE WORLD! | You threaten the voices in your head to shut them up! | You raise your fist and threaten Jill! |
O | Jack raises his fist and threatens THE WORLD! | Jack angrily threatens the voices in his head! | Jack raises his fist and threatens Jill! |
T | Jack raises his fist and threatens YOU! |
S | TICKLE | TICKLE <self> | TICKLE <target> |
A | Whom do you want to tickle? | You try tickling yourself, but it's just not the same. | You tickle Jill! TEE HEE! |
O | N/A | Jack tries tickling himself for a moment, then gives up. | Jack tickles Jill! |
T | Jack tickles you! TEE HEE! |
S | TIP | TIP <self> | TIP <target> |
A | You tip your hat gallantly. | N/A | You tip your hat to Jill. |
O | Jack gallantly tips his hat. | N/A | Jack gallantly tips his hat to Jill. |
T | Jack gallantly tips his hat to you. |
S | TONGUE | TONGUE <self> | TONGUE <target> |
A | Whom do you wish to tongue? | You wrap your tongue around....yourself?! | You wrap your tongue around Jill and slide it all over her young, nubile flesh.... |
O | N/A | Jack wraps his tongue around....@a4self?! | Jack slides his tongue over Jill's body.... |
T | Jack wraps his tongue around you and slides it all over your young, nubile flesh... |
S | TWIDDLE | TWIDDLE <self> | TWIDDLE <target> |
A | You twiddle your thumbs patiently. | N/A | N/A |
O | Jack twiddles his thumbs patiently. | N/A | N/A |
T | N/A |
S | TYPE | TYPE <self> | TYPE <target> |
A | You throw your hands in the air, disgusted by your lousy typing skills! AARGH! | N/A | N/A |
O | Jack throws his hands in the air, disgusted by his lousy typing skills! AARGH! | N/A | N/A |
T | N/A |