Cthulhumud Socials list - R
Social commands for use in the game
S | RAMBLE | RAMBLE <self> | RAMBLE <target> |
A | You ramble on and on about nothing in particular. | You ramble to yourself quietly under your breath. | You corner Jill and bombard her with your boring ramblings. |
O | Jack rambles on and on about nothing in particular. | Jack rambles to himself quietly under his breath. | Jack corners poor Jill and bombards her with pointless ramblings. |
T | Jack corners you and starts rambling on and on and on.... |
A | You stick your tongue out and RASPBERRY the entire world! That'll show 'em! | Why bother? You'll just end up with saliva running down your chin. | You stick your tongue out at Jill and RASPBERRY her! |
O | Jack sticks his tongue out and RASPBERRIES the entire world! | N/A | Jack sticks his tongue out at Jill and RASPBERRIES her! Ewww... |
T | You're splattered with saliva as Jack RASPBERRIES you! Ewwww.... |
S | ROFL | ROFL <self> | ROFL <target> |
A | You fall to the floor and roll around, laughing hysterically! | N/A | You roll on the floor, laughing at Jill's antics! |
O | Jack falls to the floor and rolls around, laughing hysterically! | N/A | Jack rolls on the floor, laughing at Jill's antics! |
T | Jack rolls on the floor, laughing at your antics! |
S | ROLL | ROLL <self> | ROLL <target> |
A | You roll your eyes in exasperation. | Why bother? You wouldn't be able to see it. | You roll your eyes in exasperation at Jill. |
O | Jack rolls his eyes in exasperation. | N/A | Jack rolls his eyes in exasperation at Jill. |
T | Jack rolls his eyes at you in exasperation. |
S | ROSE | ROSE <self> | ROSE <target> |
A | To whom do you wish to give a rose? | You inhale the sweet scent of your rose. | You give a beautiful rose to Jill! |
O | N/A | Jack inhales the sweet scent of his rose. | Jack gives a beautiful rose to Jill! |
T | Jack gives a beautiful rose to YOU! |
S | RUB | RUB <self> | RUB <target> |
A | You rub your hands together in greedy anticipation. | You rub your hands along your body slowly. | You give Jill a long, sensual rubdown all over her body. |
O | Jack rubs his hands together in greedy anticipation. | Jack rubs his hands along his body slowly. | Jack gives Jill a long, sensual rubdown. |
T | Jack gives you a long, sensual rubdown, running his hands all over your body. |
S | RUN | RUN <self> | RUN <target> |
A | You run away in utter terror! | You try to run away from yourself, but you can't escape! | You run away from Jill as fast as you can! |
O | Jack runs away in utter terror! | Jack tries to run away from himself, but he can't get away from himself! | Jack runs away from Jill as fast as he can! |
T | Jack runs away from you as fast as he can! |
S | RUFFLE | RUFFLE <self> | RUFFLE <target> |
A | Whose hair do you want to ruffle? | You ruffle your hair to get that perfect hairstyle. Very chic! | You ruffle Jill's hair playfully. |
O | N/A | Jack ruffles his hair to get that perfect hairstyle. Very chic! | Jack ruffles Jill's hair playfully. |
T | Jack ruffles your hair playfully. |